Wednesday 16 June 2010

Unhappy Skinny Office Workers Episode 7

The 7th installment in an unhappy, skinny office series!


Hippy Holiday

The guys at XSP take a break, but it's more of a hippy-hell day than a holiday!

Holiday and Hippies, can you see where I'm going with this, cos I can't!

Thursday 22 April 2010

Unhappy Skinny Office Workers Episode 6

There back once again, so get ready for some action packed lunch!

It's time to break for lunch, but sometimes that can be the trickiest part of the day!

Wednesday 21 April 2010

A Long Way From XSP


Could this be an attempt at a very serious short dramatic video from XSP? There's only one way to find out, and it's a long way from XSP!... see what I did there!

Friday 8 January 2010

Unhappy Skinny Office Workers Episode Christmas

Enjoy the festive season by joining the office workers in celebration! Party Style!

Tis the season to be unhappy, skinny and work in an office! Yes yes!

Unhappy Skinny Office Workers ON HOLIDAY Episode 5

It's time to get out of the office and hit the town, not a very local town and not a real time... what? Anyway, enjoy!

Another Unhappy Skinny Office Workers coming your way! But not where you might expect!

Who's that Guy?

STRANGER DANGER! No one truly knows who "Guy" is, but he certainly can talk with a funny accent or two!

Howdy, salut and happy new day, enjoy a new video from XSPzone (yeah thats what you must say now!)